SQL is very useful for data hygiene projects allowing analysts to check the validity and integrity of the database. However, checking that a legacy date is correct cannot be done without the use of a user-defined function.
The following function accepts a numeric date in the format ddmmyy. This is converted into standard date format and validated. The function returns a Y/N flag to indicated whether or not the date is valid.
Create Function QGPL/VALDMY (DateDec Decimal (6, 0) ) Returns Char(1) Language SQL Deterministic Contains SQL Not Fenced Returns Null On Null Input No External Action Set Option Commit=*None, UsrPrf=*Owner Begin Declare charDate Char(10); Declare testDate Date; Declare Exit Handler For SQLException Return 'N'; Case When Substr(Digits(DateDec), 5, 2) < '50' Then Set charDate = '20' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 5, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 3, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 1, 2) ; When Substr(Digits(DateDec), 5, 2) >= '50' Then Set charDate = '19' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 5, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 3, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 1, 2) ; End Case; If charDate Is Null Then Return 'N'; End If; Set testDate =Cast(charDate As Date); Return 'Y'; End
Use this command to create the function:
The function can be used as follows to find invalid dates:
SELECT custnr, orddat, valdmy(orddat) FROM orders WHERE valdmy(orddat) = 'N' Customer Nr Order Date VALDMY ( ORDDAT ) 000001 182215 N 000009 116215 N ******** End of data ********
Using iSeries SQL Functions for Legacy Date Handling
Many iSeries applications still have dates which are stored as numeric fields in the database. This can be problematic when using SQL to process the data particularly when the dates are stored in formats such as ddmmyy. It is well worth tapping into the flexibility and re-usability offered by SQL functions.
Consider a simple example showing the customer number & order date:
SELECT custnr, orddat FROM orders
Customer Nr Order Date 000001 180215 000002 251214 000004 170115 000009 110215 ******** End of data ********
It is not possible to make meaningful date range selections using the order date in its current ddmmyy format. However, by creating a simple SQL function, we can convert this legacy date into a “real” date which will allow tasks such as selection.
Here is how our new function cnvdmy would be used in an SQL statement.
SELECT custnr, orddat, cnvdmy(orddat) FROM orders WHERE cnvdmy(orddat) > '2015-02-01' Customer Nr Order Date CNVDMY ( ORDDAT ) 000001 180215 2015-02-18 000009 110215 2015-02-11 ******** End of data ********
The source below can be used to create this function. You can either use PDM (or iSeries Navigator) depending on your preference.
Note that the year 1950 is used in the When statement for the date window value. You may need to change this value depending on your application or context.
Create Function QGPL/CNVDMY (DateDec Decimal (6, 0) ) Returns Date Language SQL Deterministic Contains SQL Returns Null On Null Input No External Action Begin Declare ReturnDate Date ; Declare Exit Handler for SQLState '22007' Return Cast(Null As Date); Case When Substr(Digits(DateDec), 5, 2) < '50' Then Set ReturnDate = Date( '20' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 5, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 3, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 1, 2) ); When Substr(Digits(DateDec), 5, 2) >= '50' Then Set ReturnDate = Date( '19' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 5, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 3, 2) ConCat '-' ConCat Substr(digits(DateDec), 1, 2) ); End Case; Return ReturnDate; End
Run the following command to create the function: