Many legacy systems stores dates in 6 digit numeric fields. This makes comparison difficult during a Query’s select statements. However, there is a way to handel these dates in Query/400. Firstly, convert the numeric date field to a character field and formatting it with separators. Then it can be converted to a date field using the DATE function in query.
Define Result Fields Field Expression DMYCHAR substr(digits(dmydat1),1,2)!!'/'!! substr(digits(dmydat1),3,2)!!'/'!! substr(digits(dmydat1),5,2) DMYCHAR2 substr(digits(dmydat2),1,2)!!'/'!! substr(digits(dmydat2),3,2)!!'/'!! substr(digits(dmydat2),5,2) DMYDATE date(dmychar) DMYDATE2 date(dmychar2) Select Records AND/OR Field Test Value DMYDATE GT DMYDATE2